
Financial Consultancy Holland

On this page you will find the disclaimer of www.financialconsultancyholland.nl, as made available by Financial Consultancy Holland. In this disclaimer we indicate under which reservation we offer the information on our website to you.

Intellectual property​

Allinformation on this website is provided free of charge, provided you do notcopy, distribute, or misuse the content. You may only reuse the materials onthis website in compliance with applicable laws. It is strictly prohibited toreuse any text, images, or other materials without the explicit written consentof Financial Consultancy Holland. All intellectual property rights for thecontent of this website are owned by Financial Consultancy Holland.

Accuracy of information

While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of theinformation on this website, we cannot guarantee that all content is free fromerrors or omissions. Any prices or figures mentioned are intended as accuraterepresentations, but programming or typographical errors may occur. Such errorscannot be used to claim or assume a binding agreement with FinancialConsultancy Holland.

The contenton this website is provided "as is" without any form of guarantee orwarranty, explicit or implied. Financial Consultancy Holland reserves the rightto modify, update, or remove website content at any time without prior notice.


Financial Consultancy Holland accepts no responsibility for anyinaccuracies, outdated information, or omissions. Furthermore, we are notliable for any damages resulting from the use of the website or frominformation accessed via hyperlinks provided on this site.

Changes to the disclaimer

This disclaimer may be updated from time to time. The latest version willalways be available on this page. By using this website, you agree to be boundby the terms of the most recent version of the disclaimer.